Ruth, dona cerca homes solters: buscar dones solteres a La florida

  •  Ruth
  • 41 anys
  • 1 foto
I have a dog whose name is Winner, the breed of Cane Corso, to whom I devote my free time, walk with him and train him. I believe that you need to live here and now and enjoy every day and wonderful moments in life. Cheerful, sympathetic, and purposeful, I believe that nothing is impossible, especially if there is a loved one nearby!

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A mobifriends pots xatejar gratis, buscar dones solteres, veure les seves fotos i perfils, enviar-les missatges, mobis (divertits missatges animats), o xatejar amb el video xat, quan vulguis i des d’on vulguis, a través d’Internet i telèfons mòbils.

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